
Subhanallah Cerdas sekali yg merungkai ertii abjad *ABC HINGGA Z* Bacalah susunan Kata katanya yang akan memberi renungan untuk anda dan kita semuaβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

*A* llah

*B* eri kita hidup

*C* uma sekali

*D* i dunia ini…

*E* sok kita muhasabah

*F* ikir akan akhir hayat

*G* erbang akhirat pun

*H* ampir tiba

*I*  nilah hakikat hidup

*J* anji Allah itu pasti

*K* alimat syahadat

*L* ailaha Illallah

*M* uhammaddur Rasulullah

*N* ikmat dunia hanya sementara

*O* rang muda atau tua

*P* asti merasakan mati

*Q* ualitas Iman jaminannya syurga

*R* asulullah s.a.w bersabda :

*S* iapa bisa mengucap syahadat jaminannya syurga

*T* api..jika gagal…

*U* ntuk mereka adalah neraka

*V* isi kita adalah akhirat

*W* alaupun dunia didepan kita

*Y* ang pasti semua akan ditinggal…

*Z* alimnya kita jika tak ada Iman dan Amal.

Jangan disimpan utk diri sendiri tapi bagikan kepada orang lain..

Allahumma solli ‘ala saiyidina Muhammad wa’ala ali saiyidina Muhammad..πŸ’ž


FRIENDS!!..The company with whom you sit, really matters!!

Sit for 10 mins with an alcoholic – you will feel life is very stress free!😁

@Sit for 10 mins with sadhus & sanyasis – you will feel like gifting away everything to charity!!πŸ€ͺ

@Sit for 10 mins with a politician – you will feel all your studies are useless!!πŸ˜‚

@Sit for 10 mins with a LIC agent – you will feel that it is better to die!πŸ˜ƒ

@Sit for 10 mins with traders – you will feel your earnings are too meagre!!πŸ˜…

@Sit for 10 mins with scientists – you will feel the enormity of your ignorance!!☹️

@Sit for 10 mins with good teachers – you will feel like wanting to become a student again!πŸ‘

@Sit for 10 mins with a farmer or a worker – you will feel you are not working hard enough!!πŸ‘

@Sit for 10 mins with a soldier – you will feel your services & sacrifices are insignificant!!πŸ™πŸ»

@Sit for 10 mins with a good friend – you will feel your life is heaven!πŸ‘Œ

⬇️ This one is the best πŸ‘Œ
@Sit for 10 mins with your wife – you will feel you are the most useless person on earth😷.

Company Matters!!